So you’ve made the decision to use webfonts on your website, which is great,
because webfonts are amazing. Typography is incredibly important, especially
for setting the tone and expectations for the user about what they’re viewing.
It can be difficult to achieve those things with system fonts, and you can’t
always rely on the user having those fonts to begin with.
On a recent project, unfortunately we had to add some device specific
JavaScript. There were some elements that were present on mobile and not on
desktop, which needed to have some JavaScript applied to them. I say it’s
unfortunate because it wasn’t a nice feeling having to do this (we typically
don’t want to write any code for special circumstances).
As web developers, we interact with HTTP every day. But it’s usually in the
form of some kind of abstraction (a library or some kind of framework).
Typically we’re defining routes, and what happens when that route gets hit by
the browser. But what is actually listening to that browser request, and
passing it to our router? That’s just what we’re going to take a look at.
When thinking about SQL you would usually write:
I’ve written about this before. Unfortunately I’ve gone back and forth on
whether I should keep a blog or not, so I have to write it again.